Ecommerce marketing coach for founder-led responsible fashion brands

Hello there, I’m Joanna.

Cheese lover,

Fashion forager,

& marketing sorcerer



I know it may not feel like it, but you really don’t need to sacrifice your energy on more marketing in order to make more sales.

I help founders of responsible fashion businesses and ecom stores like you to do better marketing, with ease and finally get off the marketing merry-go-round.

If you’re ready to tame your marketing with stress-free, sustainable and sensible organic strategies (without the shady tactics), grab a cuppa, take a seat and let’s have a chat.


Wish you knew which marketing to focus on and what to leave behind?

well hey, I’m your woman!

Marketing isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t need your blood, sweat and tears to get the results you deserve. The truth is a good organic marketing strategy that brings in the cha-ching doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a long term-game that, done right, will continue to bring you growth and conversions well into the future.

By building rock solid brand foundations, a purposeful marketing eco-system and swapping hotch-potch tactics for smart strategies, you can increase sales and grow your business with more ease and flow.

Say hello to marketing that makes sense and free up time and energy to do more of what you adore. Because you didn’t get into the fashion industry to have your joy stolen by marketing overload, did you?


Love note from shoe designer Johanna Preston


We were struggling with finding the time to do Instagram and how to target it and how to make it really work for us so I joined the program.

I found the technical part of the program really, really useful because I was absolutely stuck and stumped with things like doing Stories.

I liked that there was lots of simple little tricks in how to actually navigate social media which I never had the time to do before.

Joanna goes right into digging deep into who your client base is, how to talk to that client base, and the simple but very important things about how you talk to people on Instagram and social media.

I would highly recommend this program. It's been fantastic

Johanna Preston @prestonzly


good at marketing. bad at sewing


Long before I was a fashion ecom marketing coach, I was on the tools learning my craft as a copywriter, email marketer, social media manager, and as a responsible fashion retail and ecom store owner.

I’ve got 15 years of marketing under my locally-made frock. From working with global retail brands in my ad agency days, to growing a devoted customer base for my retail store, to helping my clients’ ecom fashion brands thrive through good marketing.

I’ve also headed up a pop-up ethical fashion market and owned a sewing lounge where we taught a program of sewing and pattern making classes. I thank the fashion design gods for good teachers, because my sewing skills are not worth the fabric they’re stitched on.

And here’s what I know: There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy. If you approach your marketing thoughtfully in the same way you design and construct a beautiful, quality garment, it’ll fit perfectly and last years.

If you’re ready to thrive with sensible and sustainable marketing strategies that makes sense for your business, I’m your woman.

Good at fashion marketing. Questionable sewing skills.

Caravan Folk Lilac Banner.png

Come for a chat over on Instagram