Ten content ideas to repurpose that will skyrocket your marketing


Content, eh? Love it or loath it, it’s an essential part of pretty much every brand’s marketing strategy.  

A solid content strategy will deliver multiple benefits to your business or brand: 

·      Drive traffic to your website

·      Help your audience to know, like and trust you (and do business with you!)

·      Stoke the fires of your brand story

·      Paint you as an expert in your industry

·      Keep you top of mind when your audience needs your product or service

But churning out content every day is time consuming, right? And that’s time you could be spending on pushing the needle further on your business offering, time spent doing the very thing you’re known for. So what’s the solution?

There are ways to make your content work harder for you:

·      Create evergreen content, meaning that it’s not time sensitive and can be used again

·      Develop one good piece a week rather than five fluffy pieces

·      When planning your content ideas, think about how it can be repurposed at least two other ways across your marketing channels

·      Use your content again and again

Here are ten ideas to get you started.

This list suggests using your blog, newsletter, Facebook and Instagram Stories as well as feed and LinkedIn. But you can adapt this to whatever channels you know works for you.

1. Write a blog post about a common myth in your industry that you can bust

Share five truths, tips or strategies that your reader can use.

-Do a Facebook live on this same topic, link to your blog in the comments

-Turn it into an Instagram carousel with the myth busting part in the caption and the tips in the carousel slides

2. Write a blog post about what the process looks like if your reader decides they’d like to work with you

-Link this blog to the relevant point in your FAQs on your website

-Add a link to this on your nurture email series

-Share the post on your Facebook page

3. On your Stories, invite your audience to ask you any questions about your business, process, product or service

-Add those questions and answers to your FAQs on your website

-Write a story in your newsletter about this and link back to your FAQs. Invite your newsletter reader to ask you their own questions too, linking a button to email you

4. If you’ve been featured on a podcast, have your dialogue transcribed and turn it into a blog post

-Capture an audio highlight and turn it into a video for your social media channels with a program like wavve.co

5. Use a snippet of a client testimonial as a title for a blog post

In the blog, create a case study of the problem that the client came to you with, how you solved it and what the outcome has been. Include the whole testimonial.

-Feature this in your newsletter

-Use the testimonial snippet in speech quotations and link to the blog post in a targeted ad on Facebook and Instagram to drive traffic to your website.

-Use this testimonial in your Instagram Stories and talk about what you loved about working on this project and with this client. Tag your client and let your audience know where they can read the case study

6. Give away your best information in a how-to video on YouTube or Vimeo

Don’t be scared of sharing your knowledge; it’s an excellent way to show that you know your craft well, demonstrate how much work is involved in the process, and helps your reader to know, like and trust you.

- Embed the video on your website. If it’s relevant, embed it in a blog post.

- Write a feature in your newsletter that elaborates on it and link to the video

- Break it down into bullet points on slides to share on an Instagram carousel 

7. Pick three of your favourite podcasts that help you in your business and share this is your newsletter

Talk about what you like about each of them and how they’re helpful to you.

-Create a story on Instagram about this same topic. You can use the same copy across your story tiles. Tag each of the podcasts or creators in the story. They may even share it across their own stories!

-Create a post for Facebook telling your audience about this topic that you’ve shared in your newsletter and give them a link where they can subscribe for future issues.

8. Write a blog post about a period in your business when you overcame an obstacle

This could be a creative block, working through an emotional barrier, or a time when a product or service you worked hard on didn’t turn out like you hoped. Describe how you moved past it and what you’ve learned from it.

-Give your Instagram Stories viewers a teaser about it with some highlights and tell them they where they can find the link to read more

-Create a shorter, edited version of it and post as a LinkedIn article. Include related hashtags so that it shows up to those on LinkedIn that are following those tags. Ask them a question and invite them to share their comments. 

9. Jump on your Instagram or Facebook Stories and ask your audience which blog post you should write next

You could either offer them a choice of topics to vote for on a poll, or flat out ask them for ideas which they can send you on the questions sticker.

-Publish the results the next day and then tell them when they can expect to see the finished blog post

-When the blog is ready, share a snapshot of it on your stories and tag those people to tell them how they can read the blog post.

-Tell your newsletter readers about asking your audience for their guidance on this piece of content and link to it. Ask your newsletter readers to email in any blog ideas they’d like you to write about with a button at the end of your story

10. Write a blog post on the values that underpin your business and how they guide you in your business journey

- Talk to your audience about this topic in your Instagram Stories and invite your followers use the question sticker to ask you any questions on this topic. Publish those questions and answer them.

-Write a Facebook post about the importance of identifying your values in your business and link to yours. Ask your audience a question about theirs.

-Publish a shorter, edited version of this blog as an article on LinkedIn and ask your readers a question about business values. Remember to add relevant hashtags so that those following them can jump in and join the conversation.

- Come back to this topic again at a later date when your values have helped guide you again.

Make sure you keep a keen eye on how your content is performing. Tweak it, if necessary. And run with the best pieces again. If they struck a chord with your audience the first time, they’re likely to resonate again.






Joanna SimContent, Copywriting